肠易激综合症 & 肠脑相互作用紊乱

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 gastroenterologists provide outstanding patient-centered care. 专注于大脑和肠道的联系, we deliver strategies to improve your GI health and quality of life.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 excellence in 肠易激综合症 and other disorders of gut-brain interactions

我们的 multidisciplinary team includes internationally renowned experts in disorders of brain-gut interactions. We work to better understand the causes of these conditions and deliver state-of-the-art care. 我们的 integrative digestive health team provides a holistic approach to evaluate, treat and improve the lives of patients affected by these conditions.


杰出的肠胃科: Vatche的专家 & Tamar Manoukian消化疾病科 are recognized as leaders across the nation in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of gut-brain interaction. 我们的 specialists are at the forefront of providing leading-edge therapies.

整体护理: With a strong focus on the connection between the brain and digestive tract, our gastroenterologists work closely with specialized gastrointestinal (GI) dietitians, GI health psychologists and an integrative GI health nurse practitioner to provide patients with an integrated care approach.

Access to the Integrative Digestive Health and 健康 Program: 除了最新的临床治疗, 患者可以接受行为疗法, such as cognitive behavioral therapy and gut-directed hypnotherapy. We also offer nutritional guidance and stress management techniques that can improve GI symptoms.

突破性研究和获得临床试验: 我们与皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的研究人员一起工作. Oppenheimer Center for Neurobiology of Stress and Resilience (CNSR). 在一起, we use leading-edge technologies such as brain imaging, 分子生物学, gut microbiome analysis and genetics to consider how stress, 疼痛和情绪会影响肠胃健康. 我们的 patients have access to clinical trials that help us better understand the causes of these conditions and provide novel treatments.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, we specialize in the full spectrum of care for people with disorders of gut-brain interaction, 包括肠易激综合症. 我们的 experts provide detailed assessments and integrative treatments to help you feel your best. 我们提供:


我们的 specialists diagnose disorders of gut-brain interaction by gathering a thorough medical history and performing a physical examination. As part of the evaluation, your physician may order additional testing. 我们的 comprehensive assessments enable us to deliver the most effective therapies for you.


We use an integrated holistic approach that may include medication, 脑-肠行为疗法, dietary and lifestyle changes and complementary therapies. 我们的 experts work with you to personalize every treatment plan to meet your needs. 我们的 team-based approach ensures that you have access to seamless, well-rounded care.


Physicians and specialized GI dietitians work together to deliver tailored plans based on your symptoms, 生活方式和目标. We also provide nutritional education to help you understand how diet affects your gastrointestinal symptoms with the goal of improving your overall health.


A wide range of medications have been shown to be effective in relieving symptoms. These may include antidiarrheals, laxatives, supplements and other over-the-counter remedies. We may also recommend antibiotics and other prescription medications.


We are recognized leaders in treatments that focus on the brain-gut connection and the effect of the mind on the body. 作为我们团队治疗你的一部分, you may receive consultations with our integrative health practitioner and GI health psychologists.

We work together to create a plan for you that may include:

接受与承诺疗法(ACT) which helps you respond to uncomfortable feelings in a healthier way

认知行为疗法(CBT) a therapy that helps you change thought patterns and improve how you respond to symptoms

应对支持, 有几种方法可以帮助你适应诊断

横隔膜呼吸( 缓慢呼吸,使神经系统平静下来

用于消化系统健康的医学催眠 which includes deep relaxation techniques and soothing suggestions to improve your digestive system

正念的干预措施, techniques that increase your awareness of your senses and emotions)

放松训练, 减少紧张和压力的技巧

自我同情技术, a range of methods that remind you to respond to yourself with kindness


我们的 gastroenterologists have experience treating the full spectrum of disorders of gut-brain interaction. 我们的专长是:

慢性腹痛: This condition is characterized as daily or frequent abdominal pain that is not associated with another diagnosed medical condition.

慢性肿胀 和膨胀: 腹胀是 腹胀腹胀气的感觉. Distention is an increase in abdominal girth (belly size) that often occurs after meals.

慢性便秘: 这种疾病会导致困难, infrequent or incomplete bowel movements that are not due to medications or other health conditions.

慢性腹泻: 这种疾病会导致 稀便或水样便. It does not result from medications or other health conditions.

周期性呕吐综合征: This condition includes recurrent episodes of severe nausea and vomiting that can last for several hours or days.

功能性消化不良: 这种紊乱会引起一系列症状, 包括上腹部疼痛, 不适或胃灼热. 这些症状通常在饭后加重.

肠易激综合症(肠易激综合症): This recurring or chronic condition causes abdominal pain, 排便习惯的不适和改变, 包括腹泻, 便秘或两者皆有.


我们的 dedicated team provides outstanding patient-centered care grounded in the latest knowledge about digestive health and the brain-gut connection.


我们知识渊博的GI专家提供出色的护理. 呼叫 310-825-2631 与专家联系.

我们的 一般的肠胃科 都位于洛杉矶郡的另一边.


我们知识渊博的GI专家提供出色的护理. 呼叫 310-825-2631 与专家联系.