Outcomes After Parathyroid Surgery

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UCLA Outcomes After Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery

Parathyroid Surgery

Our 原发性甲状旁腺功能亢进患者行甲状旁腺切除术治愈率为98 - 99%. 我们跟踪手术后的钙水平,这样我们就能发现任何可能复发的病人.

Parathyroidectomy Cure Rate, UCLA

Experience Is Paramount

Parathyroid Surgery Success Rates at UCLA
Parathyroid Surgery Success Rates

人们普遍认为甲状旁腺手术在技术上要求很高,一般外科医生每年会遇到相对较少的这种疾病.  甲状旁腺手术的成功率是甲状旁腺外科医生和患者非常感兴趣的问题, of course.  By convention, 甲状旁腺手术成功的定义是术后至少6个月钙水平正常. 

Endocrine Surgery Team

该图显示了基于医院经验的甲状旁腺手术的长期成功率.  这些结果来自于15年来进行的1000多例甲状旁腺手术.5 million people in California.  The figure shows that, not surprisingly, high-volume centers have the highest success rates, about 95% at the one year mark and 90% beyond one year.

现在,你可能会惊讶地发现,在这项研究中,什么是大容量医院.  在本研究中,典型的大容量医院每年平均进行15次甲状旁腺手术.  What does this mean?  Well, two things.  First, most parathyroid operations are straightforward 每个月做一次以上甲状旁腺手术的外科医生成功率很高.  Second, 专家甲状旁腺外科医生的作用是将长期成功率从90-95%提高到97-99%.  (成功率超过99%的说法尚未得到独立第三方审计的证实.)


我们已经注意到,外科医生每年平均进行15次甲状旁腺手术可以取得良好的效果.  However, since it is your neck we are talking about, most people desire the highest success rates they can find, which is understandable.  Within the endocrine surgery community, 每年做50次以上甲状旁腺手术的医生被认为是 expert parathyroid surgeon.

By this definition, 国内有不少外科医生的手术成功率在97-99%之间, and they can be found here. 您可能想知道每年执行100次操作是否有任何额外的优势.  根据现有的文献,答案可能是一点点,但不是很多.  没有任何迹象表明,每年进行超过100次甲状旁腺手术有任何额外的好处.  In other words, there is a point of diminishing returns, 这一点也不奇怪,因为这种收益递减的模式在很多领域都存在, from landing airplanes to pitching fastballs to playing Mozart.  At some point that’s as good as it gets.  For more information, see Finding an expert parathyroid surgeon.

Safety.  Always priority #1.

在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医院了解更多世界一流的质量和安全措施这个链接有一个非常有用的短视频,带您进入手术环境,让您了解我们为100%的患者使用的详细流程,以确保您的安全.  Furthermore, 你可以看到我们的质量表现报告,病人的满意度, patient safety, and patient survival compared to other hospitals.  此信息由独立第三方提供,如医疗保险和医疗补助服务中心(CMS)和医疗保健研究与质量机构(AHRQ)。.

Care Everywhere

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校内分泌外科远程项目的创建是为了满足居住在洛杉矶市区以外(超过2小时车程)的患者人数的增加。. 尽管我们鼓励病人尽可能在当地寻求治疗, 许多患者无法接触到他们所在地区的甲状旁腺专科医生.

Through the distance program, we perform an in-depth review of our patient’s medical records, 有时还会要求患者在当地完成额外的检测. 然后我们安排远程医疗访问,讨论潜在的治疗方案,包括手术. If surgery is required, 我们将安排患者进行术前亲自访问, parathyroid imaging if required, and parathyroid surgery at UCLA over the course of a few days. Learn More about Distance Surgery Program.

Telemedicine visits via smartphone, tablet, 或PC也适用于我们所有已经建立了面对面关系的患者. Learn More about Telemedicine.

Insurance Information

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗保健接受医疗保险分配和私人赔偿保险. 我们还参与了100多个地方和国家管理的医疗网络. Insurance Information.



Scars after Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery

Video: Scars after Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery
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Scar Massage after Thyroidectomy and Parathyroidectomy Surgery

Video: Scar Massage after Thyroidectomy and Parathyroidectomy
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All incisions are closed using the same meticulous technique, identical to that used by plastic surgeons. Whenever possible, incisions are placed along natural skin lines.

Scar Photo: Parathyroid Surgery
Scar appearance 1 month after surgery


Patient Testimonials

Small Cut, Big Results

Gloria's Endocrine Surgery Story

All these years I just thought I had high blood pressure. I never knew what was going on,” says Gloria Beauregard. Dr. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校罗纳德·里根医疗中心的内分泌外科医生玛莎·利夫希茨解释说:“罗纳德·里根夫人是一名内分泌外科医生. 博雷加德患有醛固酮瘤,这通常是她肾上腺中的良性肿瘤.

Read more about Gloria’s story.

Lauren’s Story

Lauren's Endocrine Surgery Story

Thyroid cancer radiation treatment comes in the form of a pill. You go into the radiation unit at the hospital, 一个看起来穿着防化服的人走进房间, takes these tongs and hands you a pill,” says 33-­year-­old Lauren Shapiro, who discovered she had thyroid cancer when she was 26. “That was the most interesting part of the process. Read more about Lauren’s story.

Keith’s Story

Keith's Endocrine Surgery Story

基思选择了罗纳德·里根皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心,因为“我的病很罕见. 我需要的治疗可能在其他地方不存在,我在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校得到了很好的照顾.”Read more about Keith’s story.

Santa Visits Dr. Livhits

Santa's Endocrine Surgery Story

Minimally Invasive Parathyroidectomy

I’m writing to commend UCLA Health, the UCLA Endocrine Center & the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center for my recent successful minimally invasive parathyroidectomy. Dr. Masha Livhits and Dr. 劳伦·奥尔审阅了我在阿拉斯加的全科医生提交的术前材料, personally examined, and successfully operated on me less than a week ago. And, I’m now back in North Pole, Alaska, enjoying an early Spring.

Read more about Santa's story.

More patient stories.